What is SEO(Search Engine Optimization)..?

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Search Engine optimization(SEO), This so simple to understand but not simple to do this, it need skills. SEO is the legal way to rank your website, videos on search engine without cost its only take time.

Why Business & Startups Needs SEO Services-

  • SEO can help you to get ranked on search engine on YouTube, Google, and every social media platform.
  • SEO improve your ranking and show first page as your industry & market.
  • It optimize your website to perform better and acquire more and more customer or users.
  • SEO is important for greater searchability and visibility, but offers more real value than that.
  • Many brands and business know (or think they know) that they need SEO for their digital products, and the benefits they will get from that SEO work being implemented on their behalf.

What is website ranking traffic?

Website ranking traffic refers to traffic that comes to your website from search engine rankings, or search engine results pages. 

For example, if someone searches for something in Google, finds a link to a page on your website in the results, and clicks on it — that click contributes to your search traffic. It also increase the visibility of your website on Google search engine.

Bear in mind that search traffic is not the only kind of site traffic you can receive, People can find your site through social mediaemails, Referral system, searching your website URL other websites, and ads.

All traffic sources are useful, but when you’re dealing with SEO, traffic from search engine rankings is what you’ll want to track. SEO is basically increase the number’s of appearance on search engine results. Once your website or page appeared on search engine results and then someone click on it, and come to your website.

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